10.02.1936 - 04.08.2020

Nature has no "fictitious" fields, "false" or "exotic" resonances, "virtual" or "non-flying" "carriers of interactions", "anomalous" parameters, "point" or "dimensionless, structureless" "particles", "dark energy" not caused by any processes or interactions.
On the contrary, all fundamental dynamic structures formed by Substance are natural, symmetrical in space and harmonious in time, if possible.
Yuri Vasilyevich
A Russian scientist who devoted half of his life to the study of atomic nuclei and elementary particles.
After analyzing all the well-known and publicly available data on the results of physical experiments and measurements in the field of nuclear physics, recalculating all the parameters with a calculator in his hands, he found some patterns and came to stunning conclusions. All particle parameters are unambiguously expressed in terms of several fundamental constants. Based on this, he created a theory about the properties and structure of elementary particles and the structure of nuclides, explaining absolutely all the experimental results, which he outlined and published in his books.
Periodic table of atomic nuclei Burtaev Yu.V.
Периодическая таблица ядер атомов Буртаева Ю.В. Periodic table of atomic nuclei Burtaev Yu.V.

The book proposes, substantiates and discusses a reliable and objective concept of the structure of the fundamental structures of matter and their interactions. The main ideas and concepts, qualitative consequences and conclusions, quantitative parameters of the foundations and the relationships between them presented in the book are based entirely and exclusively on experimental results

The structure of the fundamentals

Part 1, Moscow. 1995. 138 pg.

A model of the space-time, dynamic structure of all the fundamentals (neutrinos, photons, electrons, muons, pions, nucleons, hyperons, resonances) is presented based on a single concept and relations are obtained for calculating the spectrum of their masses and magnetic moments

Interactions of fundamentals

Part 2, Moscow. 1996. 140-348 pg.

The principal aspects of the interaction of fundamentals are considered, their interpretation is given, the systematization and classification of their collisions, decays and transformations is presented.

Systematization and classification of fundamentals

Part 3, Moscow. 1996. 350-542 pg.

The systematization and classification of fundamentals based on qualitative characteristics and the number of identical constituents in their structure is presented and considered.


The book proposes, substantiates and discusses a reliable and objective concept of FGH structures of nuclides and their interactions due to this structure and properties of nucleons. The main ideas and concepts, qualitative consequences and conclusions, quantitative parameters of nuclides and the relationships between them presented in the book are based entirely and exclusively on experimental results.

Light nuclides with 21≥ Z

Part 1, Moscow. 1997.

Based on a single concept, a model of the spatial structure of light nuclides with 21 ≥ Z (from hydrogen isotopes to scandium isotopes) is presented, patterns of changes in binding energies and magnimes are considered, structures and parameters of excited states of nuclides are discussed.

Systematics of structures and parameters of nuclides with 21≥ Z

Part 2, Moscow. 1997.

The systematization of the structures and parameters of light nuclides is considered, the main patterns of their changes due to an increase in the number of their protons and neutrons are discussed.

Average nuclides with 56 ≥ Z ≥ 21

Part 3, Moscow. 1997.

A model of the spatial structure of average nuclides with 56 ≥ Z ≥ 21 (from Sc isotopes to Ba isotopes) is presented, the spectra of their parameters (binding energies, moimps and magnimes) are considered, the structures and parameters of their excited states are discussed.

Heavy nuclides with Z ≥ 56

Part 4, Moscow. 1998.

A model of the FGH structure of heavy nuclides with Z ≥ 56 (from barium isotopes and above) is presented, the spectra of their parameters (binding energies, moimps and magnimes) are considered, the spectra of their excited states and the main patterns of decay of radioactive nuclides are discussed.


ABSolute ABStraction => ABSurd

Moscow. 2000. 144 pg.

This is a book about how the goals of scientific research are understood and determined, what are the ways, methods of obtaining and describing objective and reliable information about matter and nature. It is assumed that the concept of 'information` about matter in this context is limited only to descriptions and models of fundamental structures of matter ('elementary particles` or fundamentals, nuclides, atoms) and their interactions. To show that the credo: 'absolute abstraction => absurdity` was formed as a result of centuries-old discussion and acquired special significance at the beginning of the new millennium, most of the text is occupied by quotations borrowed from those who have thought and expressed themselves on this topic a lot, evidently and emotionally. This book is addressed to all taxpayers. Secondly, it is addressed to students of physical specialties. Thirdly, the book is addressed to those who are professionally engaged in physics and other natural sciences. In addition, it is likely to be useful to "amateurs` who are interested in the problems of modern physics, to all those who are interested in the practice and criteria for obtaining and formulating true knowledge about the fundamental structures of matter, their reliable and objective descriptions.


In four parts of the publication, a reliable and objective concept of the structure of the fundamental structures of matter and their interactions is proposed, substantiated and discussed. The main ideas and concepts, the consequences arising from them, the quantitative parameters of the substance structures and the relationships between them presented in the book are based on experimental results.

Historical and methodological aspects, studies and descriptions of fundamental structures

Part 1, Moscow. 2012. 280 pg.

The historical and methodological aspects of experimental discovery, study and description of fundamental structures are considered. A set of basic principles and categories for describing a substance and its structures is proposed and discussed. The phenomenological model of the simplest objects of substance: neutrinos, photons and electrons is presented and discussed


Structure and properties

Systematization and classification

Part 2, Moscow. 2014. 200 pg.

A model of the structure of hadrons (muons, pions, nucleons, hyperons, resonances) based on a single concept is proposed and substantiated. The relations for calculating the spectrum of their masses and magnetic moments are obtained. The basic, fundamental aspects of the interaction of fundamentals are considered, their interpretation is given, systematization and classification of their collisions, decays and transformations are proposed. The systematization and classification of fundamentals based on qualitative characteristics and quantitative parameters of their structure is proposed and considered.

Not published

Part 3

A reliable and objective concept of nuclide structures and their interactions is substantiated and discussed. The composition, spatial configuration, quantitative parameters of nuclides and the relations between them are considered. The main ideas and concepts, qualitative consequences and quantitative relations are based entirely and exclusively on experimental results.

Not published

Part 4

Conceptual interactions of fundamental structures are considered. Based on the cluster model of nuclides, a phenomenological description of the division of nuclides is presented. The mass and chemical spectrum of fission fragments of uranium and transuranum nuclei is discussed and substantiated.

We welcome cooperation and assistance in filling the site and promoting the theory of
Yuri V. Burataev
